YouTube and Vimeo Permissions


This guide explains how to add a video to your iScout lessons.

If the video is already on YouTube or Vimeo then all you need is the URL for the video.

If the video is on your computer, then you would need to upload it to either Vimeo or YouTube.  If privacy is a concern, then iScout recommends Vimeo as they have better privacy options. Vimeo accounts start at $7/month while YouTube is free.

Vimeo Setup & Permissions

Once your video is on Vimeo, you will be given a link such as

By default, Vimeo makes your video “public” meaning anyone on could watch it. To make the video private, change the “Who can watch?” setting to “People with the private link” and press Save.  Now a person would need the link to view the video.

In the iScout Lesson Builder, create a new “Video” slide and choose the “Vimeo” tab. Paste the Vimeo link into the text box and press “Load >”:

You have now created a slide that shows a Vimeo video.

Also note that Vimeo gives you some control over the appearance of the video during playback. Click on the “Embed” menu button then you can disable button such as the “Like” button, “Watch Later”, “Share”, and more:

YouTube Setup & Permissions

When you upload a video to YouTube, you can set it as Public, Unlisted, or Private. Both Public and Unlisted videos can be loaded into iScout, but not private.

A Public video may be shown or recommended on other YouTube videos, but Unlisted videos are only visible if someone has a direct link to the video.

Once your video is created, YouTube will give you a link that looks like In the iScout Lesson Builder, create a new Video slide and click the “YouTube” tab. Paste the YouTube link into the text box and press “Load”:

You have now created a slide that shows a YouTube video.

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